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標 題: Re: [新聞] 周六天氣較差有科學依據
發信站: 批踢踢實業 (03/06/07 09:36:25 Tue)

※ 引述《latinboy (暱稱)》之銘言:
: content_5789018.htm
: 德國人常抱怨周六似乎比平日缺少陽光,並且降雨也更頻繁。一項最
: 新的德國研究證實了這一點,而“罪魁禍首”是汽車尾氣以及工業廢
: 氣的排放。
: 據《世界報》2月28日報道,兩名德國氣象學家多米尼克·鮑
: 埃默爾和伯哈德·福格爾分析了1991年至1995年位於德國1
: 2個城市的氣象站的資料,結果發現,周六的陽光照射時間比周一要
: 短15分鐘,降雨次數比周一多了10%,降雨量也比平時多15%
: 。周三的氣溫一般是一周內最高的,其氣溫最低值比周六的最低值要
: 高0.2攝氏度。
: 科學家認為,這種現象在這12個大城市都有所體現,應該不是
: 個別或者暫時現象。汽車尾氣以及工業廢氣中的煤煙、硫酸鹽等顆粒
: ,在平日因大量排放而濃度較高,在周六和周日則明顯下降。由於這
: 些污染物需要一定時間才能引發天氣變化,因此集中在平日排放的污
: 染物卻在周六導致了較差的天氣。
推 seeback:有沒有他們的英文paper可以參考?

Baumer, Dominique; Vogel, Bernhard

An unexpected pattern of distinct weekly periodicities in
climatological variables in Germany

Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 34, No. 3, L03819


Statistical analyses of data from 12 German meteorological stations
meeting WMO standards in the period 1991–2005 are presented. These
stations represent different local climate conditions in terms of
both meteorology and pollution situation. For the average over data
of all stations, we identified significant weekly periodicities in
many variables such as temperature, daily temperature range,
sunshine duration, cloud amount, precipitation, and precipitation
frequency. Not only data of stations situated in congested urban
areas, but also data of remote stations as e.g. on Mount Zugspitze
2960 m above sea level in the Alps showed significant in-phase weekly
cycles. These weekly periodicities cannot be explained completely by
local pollution effects or local heat emissions. We tend towards the
hypothesis that the anthropogenic weekly emission cycle and the
subsequent aerosol cycle interact with the atmospheric dynamics on a
larger scale which leads to a forcing of a naturally existing 7-day
period among the spectrum of atmospheric periods.

Results (summary)
-- Temperature anomaly increases in the first half of the week with a
maximum on Wednesday and a minimum on Saturday, the difference
between both being 0.19 K.

-- During the first half of the week, the daily temperature range is
significantly greater than in the second half of the week.

-- The sunshine duration is at its maximum at the beginning of the week,
and it decreases steadily until Saturday. The difference between
Tuesday and Saturday exceeds a quarter of an hour, being 5.6% of the
average value of 4.68 hours

-- cloud amount is on average greater in the second half of the week
than in the first one, showing a minimum on Tuesday and a maximum
on Saturday

-- (Precipitation) The minimum occurs on Monday with a deficit of 9.3
mm (7.1%), and the maximum on Saturday with an excess of 10.3 mm
(7.8%). Similarly, the precipitation frequency increases significantly
during the week

-- we also found weekly periodicities in relative humidity, air pressure,
average wind speed and daily maximum wind speed (not shown)


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
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※ 編輯: Waitingchen 來自: (03/06 09:36)


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