發信人: (塵世慵懶) 看板: AtmosSci
標 題: Re: [問題] 那「恐懼之邦」的作者的後續言論?
發信站: 批踢踢實業 (01/15/07 17:36:27 Mon)

※ 引述《CCM (塵世慵懶)》之銘言:
: 還記得之前「恐懼之邦」的作者,以一堆有利數據來駁斥地球暖化的現實
: 現在隨著全球暖化的事實越來越明顯
: 那作者的說法如何?

Peter Doran, author of the paper in the January, 2002 issue of Nature, which
reported the finding referred to above that some areas of Antarctica had
cooled between 1986 and 2000, wrote an opinion piece in the July 27, 2006 New
York Times in which he stated "Our results have been misused as 'evidence'
against global warming by Michael Crichton in his novel State of Fear".

Fred Barnes, in Rebel-in-Chief: Inside the Bold and Controversial Presidency
of George W. Bush, states that George W. Bush "avidly read Michael Crichton's
2004 novel State of Fear, whose villain falsifies scientific studies to
justify draconian steps to curb global warming....Early in 2005, political
adviser Karl Rove arranged for Crichton to meet with Bush at the White House.
They talked for an hour and were in near-total agreement. The visit was not
made public for fear of outraging environmentalists all the more."

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